Cancer Treatment

Cancer awareness, diagnosis and treatment are the core focus areas of Prabha Rastogi Cancer Research Charitable Foundation, which was founded in 2008 to help and assist cancer patients in their treatment.

The expert doctors at the foundation conduct cancer awareness camps and seminars on a regular basis in which early signs of the disease are discussed, which help in the detection of this deadly disease at the initial stages.

Once cancer is diagnosed, our doctors counsel the patients and their families regarding the course of treatment to be followed as per the condition and stage of the disease.

Free/subsidized cancer treatment is provided to the needy patients who cannot afford the high costs associated with cancer treatment.

Our volunteers seek donations from individuals as well as organizations to help fund the cancer treatment of underprivileged sections of our society.

Our Other Programs

Blood Donation Camps

Hair Donation

Health Check-up Camps

Hygiene Workshop

Environment Conservation

Educational Programs

Children Activities

Food Distribution